SDEN-010: - Virgin Kun va uning partiyasi otishma joyiga ayblov! - Kiyinish xonasida dam olayotgan aktrisa Mr./Ms.esdan bo'yoqni tushirishni so'raganimda, uni xudojo'yning mehribonligi bilan qo'yishdi ⇒ barcha birinchi siqilgan spermani yutib yuborishdi! (* 4 nafar bokira qiz ishtirok etdi)
- Virgin Kun and his party charge to the shooting site! - When I asked the actress Mr./ who were taking a break in the dressing room to put down the brush, they inserted it with the kindness of a goddess ⇒ swallowed all the first squeezed semen! (* 4 virgins participated)