MRXD-057: - Choy xonasidagi shogi dasturida tinglovchining intellektual chiroyli ayol yordamchisining kiyimlari yon pirog to'qnashuvlari juda katta va to'siq bo'ladi. Shuning uchun muhim bo'laklarni ko'ra olmayman, o'yin oxirida uch harakatli to'ldirishni o'qiy olmayman

- In the shogi program in the tea room, the listener's intellectually beautiful female assistant's clothes side pie bumps are too big and obstructive, so I can't see the important pieces, and I can't read the three-move stuffing at the end of the game

Chiqarilish sanasi: 09/13/2017
Ish vaqti: 170 min
Studiya: MARX