GDHH-080: Bu juda jirkanch, chunki ota-onam tomonidan yollangan kollej o'quvchisi har doim yoqimsiz ko'zlar bilan menga qaraydi! - Shunday qilib, men uni ishdan bo'shataman deb o'yladim va qasddan panchira ko'krak chilleri bilan vasvasaga soldim! Keyin, men bu haqda ota-onamga osongina ushlanib, hujumga uchraganligi sababli xabar berishga harakat qilganimda, bu men tasavvur qilganimdan ham kuchliroq edi va men qarshilik ko'rsatdim ...

It's super disgusting because the college student tutor hired by my parents always looks at me with unpleasant eyes! - So, I thought I was going to fire her, and I deliberately tempted her with a panchira chest chiller! Then, when I tried to report it to my parents as it was because it was easily caught and attacked, it was stronger than I imagined and I resisted ...

Chiqarilish sanasi: 11/19/2017
Ish vaqti: 160 min
Studiya: Golden Time