NKKD-056: Jirkanch najas ehtiyotkorligi Bu bahorda universitetda sobiq Pasiri tomonidan tayyorlangan super yoqimli va super jiddiy yosh xonim turi qiz do'sti bilan sog'lom munosabatlardan bahramand bo'lganimda, meni prefekturadagi eng jinni DQN timsoh senpai topib, tahdid qildi. Muhim qiz do'stimni DQNning xonasiga olib borishdan boshqa choram yo'q edi Nami Sekine

Disgusting feces caution When I was enjoying a healthy relationship with a super cute and super serious young lady type girlfriend who was made at university this spring by a former Pasiri, I was found by the craziest DQN crocodile senpai in the prefecture and threatened, and I had no choice but to take my important girlfriend to DQN's room Nami Sekine

Chiqarilish sanasi: 12/07/2017
Ish vaqti: 120 min
Aktrisa: Nami Sekine
Studiya: JET Eizo