GDHH-084: Nima bo'lganda ham, muloyim va zaif fikrli busty hamshira bemorning jinsiy tajovuzi tufayli to'satdan yomon de M hamshirasiga aylanadi! Men zaif edim, chunki har kuni davom etadigan janob/ xotin bemorning jinsiy tajovuzidan qattiq bosh tortolmadim, shuning uchun kundan-kunga kuchayib boradigan jinsiy tajovuzni rad eta olmadim va buni istamasdan qabul qildim ... Natijada, aksincha, tananing sezgirligi oshdi ...

Anyway, a gentle and weak-minded busty nurse suddenly turns into a nasty de M nurse due to the sexual harassment of a patient! I was weak because I couldn't strongly refuse the sexual harassment from the patient Mr./Ms. that continued every day, so I couldn't refuse the sexual harassment that escalated day by day and reluctantly accepted it ... As a result, on the contrary, the body with increased sensitivity ...

Chiqarilish sanasi: 12/19/2017
Ish vaqti: 180 min
Studiya: Golden Time