NKKD-061: Ko'krak najas ehtiyotkorlik Agar men qiz do'stim bilan lovey-dovey sog'lom munosabatlar bahramand bo'lsa, meni zaif fikrli qilish imkoniyatiga ega bo'lgan tejamkor yoqimli yosh xonim JD, men prefekturada eng kuchli xarizmatik DQN Takemaru Senpai tomonidan topildi va men keyingi safar o'sha channe olib kelish bilan tahdid qilindi, va men muhim qiz do'stim Noa Eikawawani olishdan boshqa choram yo'q edi
Chest feces caution If I was enjoying a lovey-dovey healthy relationship with my girlfriend, JD, a transcendent cute young lady who was able to make me weak-minded, I was found by the strongest charismatic DQN Takemaru Senpai in the prefecture, and I was threatened to bring that channe next time, and I had no choice but to take my important girlfriend Noa Eikawa