OYC-169: Men bilan birga ichgan qiz do'stim (mening eng yaqin do'stimning rafiqasi) oxirgi poezdni o'tkazib yubordi va uyimda qolishga qaror qildi! - Men unga kiyim almashtirishni qarz berganimda, u g'alati sekin va g'ayrioddiy edi. Men uxlashda yaxshi emasligimni bilsam ham, bilmasdan ko'kraklarimga tegdim! Tabiiyki, men bilan jinsiy aloqada bo'lish niyati bo'lmagan ayol do'stim shiddatli ...
My girlfriend (my best friend's girlfriend) who was drinking with me missed the last train and decided to stay at my house! - When I lent her a change of clothes, she was strangely sexy and unusually, and even though I knew that I was not good at sleeping, I unintentionally touched my breasts! Naturally, a female friend who has no intention of having sex with me is fierce ...