DANDY-594: "Men shaharda tushlik paytida bir hamshiradan: "Erkak bemor uchun qiladigan salfetkalarni menga ko'rsata olasizmi?" deb so'radim. Men vulgar AV otishmasi ekanligini bilmasdim ... Pubik tozalashni jiddiy ko'rsatadigan oq palto kiygan farishtalar hatto jinsiy aloqada bo'ladimi?" VOL.1

"I asked a nurse on her lunch break in the city, 'Can you show me the wipes you do for a male patient?' I didn't know that it was a vulgar AV shooting ... Do the angels in white coats who seriously show off their pubic cleaning even have sex?" VOL.1

Chiqarilish sanasi: 03/21/2018
Ish vaqti: 240 min
Studiya: DANDY