IPX-147: Ota-onamning uyi Ashiyadagi mansab! Men boksli qiz sifatida hech qanday noqulayliksiz o'sgan yosh xonimman, lekin turmushga chiqishdan oldin chindan ham boshdan kechirmoqchi bo'lgan narsam bor! Bu degani... Nihoyasi! Men pul sotib olmaydigan hayajon, zavq va yuksalishni boshdan kechirishni istaganim uchun bunga chiday olmaganim uchun murojaat qildim! Uyda otamga aytmasdan AVda birinchi boʻlib oʻtdim!
My parents' house is a mansion in Ashiya! I'm a young lady who grew up without any inconvenience as a boxed girl, but there is something I really want to experience before I get married! That is... It's a climax! I applied because I couldn't stand it because I wanted to experience the excitement, pleasure, and ascension that money can't buy! I made my AV debut without telling my dad at home!