GDHH-117: - "Ustoz! Agar bu davom etsa, ronin bo'lib qolaman!" Ko'rinadi! Uslub! Xarakter! Hammasi 100 pog'onadan! Juda yaxshi o'qituvchi tufayli men o'qishimga umuman e'tibor qarata olmayman! Agar siz cho'kib, jinsiy aloqa so'rasangiz ..."Agar meni ko'z-ko'z qilsangiz ... Bu yaxshi ◆ " va hech qanday yo'l ...
- "Teacher! If this continues, I'll become a ronin!" Looks! Style! Character! All out of 100 points! Thanks to the beautiful tutor who is too great, I can't concentrate on my studies at all! If you take the plunge and ask for sex ..."If you blindfold me ... It's okay ◆ " and no way ...