GDHH-146: Men sizni taklif qilyapman!? Sezmaganman! Men egilgan pirogdan juda xursandman! - Squat qilganingizda tizzalaringiz ko'kragingizni tashqariga chiqarib yuboradi va ko'kraklaringiz yopishib qolmoqchi! Bu qasddanmi!? Ko'zlar yopishgan! - Men hayratda qoldim va to'liq erektsiya oldim! Men uni yashira olmadi va qo'lga tushdi, va u tugadi ... Men shunday deb o'yladim! Men edim...
I'm inviting you!? I haven't noticed! I'm very excited about the crouching pie! - The moment you squat, your knees push your chest out and your boobs are about to stick out! Is this on purpose!? Eyes glued! - I was fascinated and got a full erection! I couldn't hide it and got caught, and it was over ... I thought so! I was ...