MUH-018: "Men uchun hamma narsa yangilik", men bartaraf eta olmagan ikkinchi yilning jinx, turmushga chiqib, birga yashagunimcha tushunmagan erning muammolari, xayolimdan ham stressli bo'lgan qaynona muammosi. Men yolg'iz qolishni va bugungi kunda qo'limdan kelganicha o'ynashni xohlayman ... Pok xotini Mahiro, boshqa odamlarning sperma vaginal birinchi ishi bilan AV debutini o'qqa tutdi
"Everything is new to me," the jinx of the second year that I couldn't get over, the husband's problems that I didn't understand until I got married and lived together, and the mother-in-law problem that was more stressful than I imagined. I want to be alone and play as much as I can today... Pure wife Mahiro, first affair and other people's semen vaginal shot AV debut