JUY-679: Oʻyin yaratuvchisi sifatida qilgan oʻyinlarimni katta muxlis boʻlgan AQShdan kelgan qora tanli yigit. U "otaku" deb atalgan bo'lib, Yaponiyaning otaku madaniyatini ko'rmoqchi bo'lgan, shuning uchun xotinidan uning yo'ldoshi bo'lishini so'ragan. Uyga qaytgach, u unutib, ketdi ...
A young black man from the United States who is a big fan of the games I made as a game creator has come from the United States. He was a so-called "otaku" and wanted to see Japan's otaku culture, so he asked his wife to act as a guide. When he returned home, he forgot and went ...