MEYD-642: Yil yakunlari boʻyicha partiyada juda koʻp ichgan yarim vaqtli ishimda turmush qurgan ayolga gʻamxoʻrlik qilishga qaror qildim. Xona kiyimiga oʻzgargan turmush qurgan ayolning halokatli kuchiga qarshilik koʻrsatardim, tun boʻyi tengsiz va sarguzasht qildim. Eimi Fukada
I decided to take care of a married woman at my part-time job who drank too much at the year-end party. I was irresistible to the destructive power of the married woman who changed into room clothes, and I was unequaled and squirmed all night. Eimi Fukada