SDJS-010: 1-yil o'rta yillik ishga qabul qilish reklama bo'limi Maiko Ayase 46 yosh Siz juda mehribonsiz, janob / Ayase xonim! Hayotimda birinchi marta ota-ona va 2019-yilgi SOD xodimlarini ishga qabul qilish intervyusiga kelgan bola bilan bir yoshda bo'lgan bokira kollej o'quvchisi bo'yaladi!
1st year of mid-career recruitment advertising department Maiko Ayase 46 years old You're too kind, Mr./Ms. Ayase! For the first time in my life, a virgin college student who is about the same age as a parent and a child who came to the 2019 SOD employee recruitment interview is brushed down!