HUNTA-601: Singlimning cho'milishi juda uzun edi, shuning uchun men uni erta ketishga chaqirdim, lekin u javob bermadi va shoshilishga jur'at etganida, u issiq va yalang'och edi! - Shoshib sochiqga o'rab xonaga olib borib parvarish qildim. Lekin tinchlanib, qarasam, sochiq orqali ko'rishim mumkin bo'lgan katta bilan erektsiya olishdan boshqa yordam bera olmadim! Men buni yomon deb o'yladim va ketishga harakat qildim ...
My sister's bath was too long, so I called for her to leave early, but when she didn't answer and dared to rush in, she was hot and naked! - I hurriedly wrapped it in a towel and took it to the room and cared for it, but when I calmed down and looked at it, I couldn't help but get an erection with big that I could see through the towel! I thought it was bad and tried to walk away ...