GS-299: Egetsunai kabi sekin sotuvchi qiz meni yagona bo'lgan xonada ziyorat qilish uchun keldi! - Agar siz shunchaki erotik bo'lganingiz uchun o'zingizni kechirsangiz va shunchaki xonaga qo'ysangiz ... - Ehtimol, mening yashirin niyatlarim aniqlandi, ammo mahsulot ta'rifi ham erotik hujumlar bo'ronidir! - Pantolonini ko'rsatayotganda, unga suyanib, nafasini ushlab turish uchun yuzini yaqinlashtiring ...
A sales girl as sexy as Egetsunai came to visit me in the room where I was the only one! - If you forgive yourself for being so erotic and just put it in the room ... - Maybe my ulterior motives were discovered, but the product description is also a storm of erotic attacks! - While showing her pants, lean over and bring her face close enough to catch her breath ...