NNPJ-436: [Ayol sevilmasa boshqa erkak bo'ladi degan ta'limot] HUNT ni safsata qilishga va'da qilingan aldamchi xotinni olib keting! ''Yolg'izlikka munosabat'' darhol mehmonxonada. - U "super noto'g'ir" nostandart turmush qurgan ayol edi.

[The theory that a woman will another man if she is not loved] Pick up a cheating wife who was promised to saffle HUNT! ''Reaction to loneliness'' immediately in the hotel. - She was a 'super perverted' non-standard lewd married woman.

Chiqarilish sanasi: 03/25/2021
Ish vaqti: 120 min
Studiya: Nanpa JAPAN