IENF-131: - Singlisi nayza qilmoqchi bo'lgan go'zal kichkina shayton maktab qizi! - U erda katta opa-singil bo'lsa ham, u meni so'zlarni pichirlab turib, yo'ldan ozdiradi, shuning uchun men instinktlarim bilan xom jinsiy aloqada bo'lganimda, pantolon ovozim juda baland edi va men ushlanish arafasida edim.
- Her sister is a carnivorous little devil school girl who wants to spear! - Even though there is an older sister right there, she seduces me while whispering dirty words, so when I had raw sex with my instincts, my pant voice was too loud and I was about to get caught.