IENF-155: - "Agar birinchi sherik sifatida men bo'lsa yaxshi bo'lsa, jinsiy aloqa qilaylik" Otam qayta turmushga chiqqan qaynonam yosh va super go'zal! Men bokiraman va har kuni tashvishlana olmayman! Bir kuni qaynonamning ichki kiyimiga masturbatsiya qilayotganimni bildim-yu, asabiylashish o'rniga u meni muloyimlik bilan pastga chayqab qo'ydi!
- "If it's okay if it's me as the first partner, let's have sex" My mother-in-law, who my father remarried, is young and super beautiful! I'm a virgin and I can't help but be anxious every day! One day, I found out that I was masturbating my mother-in-law's underwear, but instead of getting angry, she gently brushed it down!