TPIN-033: Eng yaqin do'stimga turmushga chiqib, uzoq vaqt o'tgandan so'ng yana uchrashdim. Ilgari menga ko'p zo'ravonlik qilgan sobiq Yanki turmush o'rtog'im oldida qullik cuckoldini oldim
I met again after a long time by marrying my best friend, and I took bondage cuckold in front of my husband a former Yankee who bullied me a lot in the past
Kompaniyada hamkasbi bo'lgan eng yaqin do'stimning erkak do'sti turmushga chiqdi ... U juda chiroyli odam, men yomon xodim bo'lganimda doimo ko'z o'ngida menga yordam beradi. Tele ishlarga tayyorgarlik ko'rishda,