MIAA-853: - Dugonamning akasi, men 5 yil ichida birinchi marta uchrashaman, cho'milishga qaraydi - Ji Po mening ko'kraklarim ustida Estrusdan keyin 3 soniya ichida to'liq erektsiyaga ega va u G piyolaga aylandi. Xuddi shunday bo'lsa-da, men hammomda nam sochlar bilan vaginal o'q uzdim. Kokoro Ayase
- My cousin's brother, who I meet for the first time in 5 years, peeks into the bath - Ji Po has a full erection in 3 seconds after estrus on my boobs that have developed into a G cup. As it is, I was vaginal shot with wet hair in the bath. Kokoro Ayase