GIGL-708: Do'stimning uyiga borganimda, do'stim biron sababga ko'ra tashqariga chiqdi va men do'stimning onasi bilan uyda yolg'iz qoldik ... Aslida u haliyam anchadan beri yoqqanimni biladimi yoki yoʻqmi, "haliyam jinsiy aloqada boʻlishni istaysizmi?" deb meni yoʻldan ozdiradi. Sabrim chegarasidan oshib ketdim xaloyiq
When I went to my friend's house, my friend went out for some reason, and I and my friend's mother were alone at home ... In fact, whether or not she knows that I have liked my aunt for a long time, she seduces me by saying, "Do you want to have sex with your aunt?" I've exceeded the limit of my patience, aunt