SW-575: - "Men terlayapman, shuning uchun bu pantolonlarni so'rashim kerakmi, deb o'ylayman", deb uyga etkazib berishni tozalashni so'ragan katta opa to'satdan uning oldida yo'lga chiqa boshladi. Albatta, men erektsiyani oladigan odamman. - Buni ko'rib hayajonlangan katta opa-singil meni butalari bilan taklif qiladi. Yetkazib berish paytida o'sha joyga yetib borasiz!
- "I'm sweating, so I wonder if I should ask for these panties," the older sister who asked for home delivery cleaning suddenly began to take off in front of her. Of course, I'm the one who gets an erection. - An older sister who was excited to see it invites me with her buttocks. You'll get on the spot during delivery!