ROE-110: I te fare o to ' u na metua, i reira to te utuafare taatoa faarueraa i te ofaaraa, ua faaea te fetii piri e to ' u metua vahine. Reika Ichiba

- At my parents' house, where the whole family has left the nest, the days of incest spent with my mother. Reika Ichiba

Tai'o mahana faataahia no te faaotiraa: 11/03/2022
Te taime hororaa: 120 Te mau mana'o tauturu no te
Te feia rave ohipa i roto i te: Reika Ichiba
Ua fanauhia o Seiji te piti o te tamaiti a na taeae e toru. Ia au i te mana'o o to ' na metua vahine, ua mana'o vau e e tamarii viivii roa o ' na. I te tau uaaraa tiare o te hoê matahiti, ua noaa i to ' u tuaana te hoê ohipa e ua ora oia o ' na ana'e, e ua tapao to ' u teina i to ' na i'oa i roto i te hoê fare haapiiraa e nohoraa to reira. Ua tonohia te metua tane e rave i te ohipa ona ana'e, e ua taui oioi to'na oraraa, e ua haamata o Seiji e o Reika i te ora i piha'i iho e piti na metua vahine e te mau tamarii. Ua mamû taue noa ' tura te fare, mea oraora maitai hoi, e ua moe a'era o Reika. I to ' na iteraa ' tu i teie huru metua vahine, ua inoino e ua faufaa ore o Seiji, e ua tamata oia i te fana'o faahou i te here o to ' na metua vahine, o ta ' na hoi i ore i nehenehe e mono e tae roa mai i teie nei.