ROE-265: " Mama, e ho'i au i te fare i te hora 7 i te po'ipo'i ia hope ana'e ta'u taime faafaaearaa ", ta'na ïa parau i ta'na tamaiti here, e e faarirohia vau ei hoa no to'na taata tupu e tae roa'tu i te taime e taui ai te tai'o mahana. Yuka Mizuno

"Mom, I'm going home at 7 p.m. when my part-time job ends," she says to her beloved son, and is made to be her neighbor's convenient mistress pet until the date changes. Yuka Mizuno

Tai'o mahana faataahia no te faaotiraa: 09/24/2024
Te taime hororaa: 130 Te mau mana'o tauturu no te
Te feia rave ohipa i roto i te: Yuka Mizuno