PTU-001: Te numera matamua o te PEA Channel! Yo T ● te opuaraa etaeta roa a te Echiechi, E nehenehe anei outou e aufau i te UB ● REATS e to outou tino? Ua tamata vau i te hi'opoa e eaha to ' u huru ia haere au i roto i te piha o to ' u hoa tane!
The first issue of PEA Channel!! Yo ● T ● ber's too radical Echiechi project Can you pay for UB ● REATS with your body? I tried to verify how I would react if I masturbated in my male friend's room!
Mai teie atu taime, e ani rahi atu â vau i te mau mea ta'u e amu i ni'a i te Ub●rEats, e ma'iti i te moni ei rave'a aufauraa, e ia tae mai te taata hoo, e farii ïa vau i te reira e e parau vau e, aita ta'u e moni.