RTP-051: Ua ite atura vau i taua tamahine ra, o tei mana'o e aita o ' na e anaanatae ra i te SEX no te mea mea aravihi roa o ' na e aita o ' na e anaanatae ra, te tapuni ra oia i roto i te hoê buka e te mataitai ra oia i te mau hoho'a video faufau! No te rahi o to'u ri'ari'a, aita vau e ite ra e, tei reira vau... I to'u tapiriraa'tu ma te mărû e te hi'oraa'tu i to'u mata, ua haamâ vau i te pohe, e au ra râ e te ere ra vau i te hoê mea...
I found that girl, who thought she was not interested in SEX because she was both talented and not interested, was hiding in a textbook and watching erotic videos! I'm masturbating so immersed that I don't even notice that I'm there ... When I approached softly and made eye contact, I was embarrassed to death, but it seemed that something was missing ...