RTP-100: Te tamau noa ra te mauraa o te roro i te tupu no te veavea rahi i te mau mahana atoa! I roto i teie mau mea atoa, ua haamau ta matou fare haapiiraa i te hoê fare haapiiraa tei parauhia "Super Cool Biz " ! Mai te peu e e hi'o outou na pihai iho ia outou, e nehenehe outou e ite i te tino o te tamahine tei î roa i te riaria! I roto i teie huru ohipa, aita e rave'a no te faatumu i to'u mana'o i ni'a i te piha haapiiraa, e i te mau taime atoa e ite au i te hoê tamahine, o vau... 4
Heat stroke continues to occur due to the intense heat every day! In the midst of all this, our school urgently created a school rule called "Super Cool Biz"! If you look around, you can see the girl's disgustingly developed body! In such a situation, there is no way I can concentrate in class, and every time I see a girl, I ... 4