SCPX-109: Eita te mau hautiraa atâta e te auahi e faaea i rotopu i te mau vahine o tei faaoti i te haapao i te mau tamarii! Aita e fifi mai te mea e, e hoa no ta'u tamaiti ! Te mau metua vahine aita ta ratou e chi ● po, eita ïa ta ratou e nehenehe e faarue i te raau iti aita i aifaito maitai o te tia noa mai i nia i te ma ● Ko! A hi'o i te mata o to outou utuafare e a tapea noa i te mau taime atoa!

- Dangerous play with fire does not stop among the wives who have finished raising children! It doesn't matter if it's my son's friend! - Moms who don't have a chi ● po can't let go of the unequaled little ● stick that keeps erection from the lonely Ma ● Ko! - Steal the eyes of your family and keep raw anytime anywhere!

Tai'o mahana faataahia no te faaotiraa: 04/22/2016
Te taime hororaa: 200 Te mau mana'o tauturu no te
Te feia rave ohipa i roto i te: Chie Aoi, Yua Ariga
Studio: K M Produce