URE-035: Doujin Circle Four Tatami Half Shobo, te hoê ohipa apî o tei hoo - oioi - hia i te oroa arearea! Te mahana oro'a o te mau mama e te mahana oro'a o te mau mama, ua ravehia te hoê oro'a no te hoê metua vahine e te hoê tamahine nehenehe roa o te ore e nehenehe e faaorahia !

Doujin Circle Four Tatami Half Shobo Original Work A new work that sold out immediately at the comic event! Mother's Day and Daughter's Day A live-action adaptation of a beautiful mother and daughter conceived training comic that cannot be saved!

Tai'o mahana faataahia no te faaotiraa: 07/25/2016
Te taime hororaa: 220 Te mau mana'o tauturu no te
Te feia rave ohipa i roto i te: Rena Fukiishi, Miko Hanyu