JUL-941: Te hoê vahine ěê o te ore e nehenehe e haamatau i te mau taatiraa i te pae tino i roto i te fare tahua e te mau taatiraa i te pae tino o te ore roa ' tu e titau i te mau parau. Lily Hart

- A foreign wife who can't get used to the apartment complex and dense sex that doesn't even need words. Lily Hart

Tai'o mahana faataahia no te faaotiraa: 04/21/2022
Te taime hororaa: 120 Te mau mana'o tauturu no te
Te feia rave ohipa i roto i te: Lily Hart
Ua haere o Lily e faaea i Tapone no te maitai o ta ' na tane. Teie râ, no te fenua matau - ore - hia, te mau Tapone matau - ore - hia, e te huru o te taata, aita oia i nehenehe e faaau atu i te mau metua vahine e faaea ra i roto i te fare e ua faaea oia o ' na ana'e iho i te mau mahana moemoe. I te hoê mahana, ua farerei Lily ia Kenji, te hoê piahi e faaea ra i roto i te hoê â fare tahua. Ua hamani - ino - atoa - hia oia i te fare haapiiraa e o ' na ana'e to ' na mau mahana. Noa ' tu e aita to raua e vahi faaearaa, ua faaite o Kenji i te hoê haerea mǎrû e te haavare ore i nia ia Lily, e ua putapû mǎrû noa o Lily ia ' na.