SUPA-128: Eita ta'u e nehenehe e parau i to'u na metua e aore râ, i te fare haapiiraa, tera râ, eita ta'u e nehenehe e parau i to'u na metua e aore râ, i te fare haapiiraa, tera râ, aita ta'u e nehenehe e parau atu ia outou no ni'a i te reira, tera râ, aita ta'u e nehenehe e parau atu ia outou no ni'a i te reira, tera râ, e tamahine haere haapiiraa oia e 24 hora te maoro !

I can't tell my parents or the school, but I can't tell my parents or the school, but I can't tell you about it, but I can't tell you about it, and I can't tell you about it, but it's a school girl super BEST2 4 hour special!

Tai'o mahana faataahia no te faaotiraa: 01/27/2017
Te taime hororaa: 240 Te mau mana'o tauturu no te
Te feia rave ohipa i roto i te: Umi Hirose
Studio: Skyu Shiroto