VOSS-029: Te faaea ra vau i te fare o to'u metua tane fetii e ta'na vahine, e mau taea'e apî a'e no'u to'u metua tane, e e mea huru ê rii au, tera râ, i te taime a ite ai to'u metua vahine fetii, tei inoino roa no to'u metua tane fetii, e taata AV maniac vau, ua haere mai oia i roto i te piha e ua parau mai, " A faaite mai na ia'u " e a mata'ita'i AV ! 5 Maki Hojo
I was staying at the house of my uncle and his wife, who are my father's younger brothers, and I was feeling narrow, but when my aunt, who was frustrated because of my busy uncle, found out that I was an AV maniac, she came to the room and said, "Show me lewdness" and watched AV! 5 Maki Hojo