SW-485: Noa ' tu e eita ta ' u e nehenehe e ite i te mau piripou avae roa o te tamahine haere haapiiraa, e nehenehe ta ' u e ite maitai i to ' na mau maiuu e te mau fanau'a puaahorofenua e e nehenehe ta ' u e ite i te mau fanau'a o te mau fanau'a, no reira, e faaore au i ta ' na hapa. Ua ite-atoa-hia te mau tamahine e aita te reva i î.

Even if I couldn't see the schoolgirl's pants, I could see her buttocks clearly with the mini spats & I could see the buttocks of the buttocks, so I forgive her. The girls were also seen and the atmosphere was not full.

DVD-ID: SW-485
Tai'o mahana faataahia no te faaotiraa: 05/18/2017
Te taime hororaa: 170 Te mau mana'o tauturu no te
Te feia rave ohipa i roto i te: Riho Fujimori
Studio: SWITCH