HUNTA-361: I to ' na nainairaa, ua uuru roa to ' na opu e to ' na tino, aita râ o ' na i haama i te apa - taue - raa ' tu ia ' na e ua rari roa oia! Ua maere au i te mea e, to'u hoa i to'u tamariiriiraa, a tahi ra ïa vau a ite ai i te reira i roto i te hoê pu'e tau maoro ! Aita vau i ite e te tupai ra vau i ǒ nei, e ua haafatata taue atura vau ma te ino ore i to ' u mata! Te vai ra te tahi noa mau tenetimetera i mua i to ' u utu...
- A de M childhood friend who feels so much that she convulses and her body warps over instead of being embarrassed by a sudden kiss and gets wet! I was surprised that my childhood friend I saw for the first time in a long time was too cute! - I didn't know that I was pounding here, and I innocently approached my face suddenly! Her lips are just a few centimeters ahead of mine...