OYC-171: Te fatata maira te faatuiteraa! Te haapii nei to'u taoete vahine e to'na hoa vahine i te hoê tata'uraa inu ava i te fare ! E tamarii rii au, no reira, e inu vau i te pape monamona! Ua fatata to'u taoete vahine e to'na mau hoa i te farii i te parau tuite, no reira te rave amui nei matou i te ohipa no te oraraa i te fare haapiiraa. I te vahi i reira vau e inu ai i te pape monamona, no te mea eita te vahine ana'e e oaoa e eita oia e riro ei peu...

Graduation is coming! My sister-in-law and her female friend are practicing a drinking contest at home! I'm a minor, so I'm going to drink juice~! My sister-in-law and her friends are about to graduate, so we are practicing together for campus life. - To the place where I am drinking from the toast from the cute juice, because the woman alone will not be excited and it will not be a practice ...

Tai'o mahana faataahia no te faaotiraa: 03/19/2018
Te taime hororaa: 225 Te mau mana'o tauturu no te
Te feia rave ohipa i roto i te: Yukari Miyazawa, Yukine Sakuragi, Mayu Satomi, Mayu Satomi