VOSS-100: Te raatira vahine o tei mairi i te pereoo auahi hopea i to ' u ho'iraa ' tu i te fare i muri a'e i te inuraa ava e o mâua ana'e i roto i to ' u piha. A faahua taero e a riro ei taata ohipa ino! Ua hamanihia vau i roto e te hoê tauupu rahi e painu noa ra i roto i te aore o te hoê paoti ohipa o tei tamata i te faatano i to ' u tino na roto i te taamuraa ' tu i te reira i nia i te tahi mea e te faaohiparaa i te hoê ponao no te faahu'ahu'a i te oura! 2
- The female boss who missed the last train on the way home from the drinking party and the two of us alone in my room. Pretend to be drunk and be a convicted criminal! - I was made to inside with a great waist that floated in the air of a carnivorous boss who tried to aim at my body by attaching it to something and using a crab pinching lock to warp the shrimp! 2