PIYO-018: I te po, ia taoto ana'e au e ta ' u tamahine fetii e to ' u tuahine paari i nia i te hoho'a o te hoê anavai mai te mau mahana tahito ra, e ou'a te mau tuahine faufaa ore e to ' u mau oata e na pae e piti, no reira, ua tairi au ia ratou e te hoê au'a a'ua a te tuahine e ua haapii au ia ratou i te ino o te paariraa.

At night when I slept with my grown niece and sister in the shape of a river like in the old days, the naughty sisters fiddled with my nipples and from both sides, so I beat them down with a counterattack sister bowl and taught them the severity of adulthood.

Na te mau taata paari ana'e teie tahua itenati

E 18 a'e anei to outou matahiti?

(e aore râ, te matahiti o te rahiraa o te taata i roto i te tuhaa no reira mai outou i te tomoraa i ni'a i teie tahua itenati)

Na roto i te pataraa i te parau " I AGREE ", ua tai'o e ua maramarama outou i te faahitiraa i ni'a nei.

Tai'o mahana faataahia no te faaotiraa: 01/24/2019
Te taime hororaa: 200 Te mau mana'o tauturu no te
Te feia rave ohipa i roto i te: Natsume Honda, Hina Kamino
Studio: Hyoko