PRED-679: Ua taniuniu vau i te taurearea ra Hope, o tei patoi i te ohipa i pûpûhia mai, i te hotela e ua noaa mai ta ' na pata i'o! Ua maere roa vau! E rave rahi taime e te hoê matini nene'iraa huero ! E rave rahi taime! E rave rahi taime! Buryuburu! Te hoê paoti vahine o te hamani e 15 ofai pupuhi i roto i te opu e o te apiti atu i roto i te taiete Ichika Hoshimiya
- I called the young Hope, who declined the job offer, to the hotel and got a meat butt! Surprised! Again and again with a seed squeezing press! Many times! Many many times! Buryuburu! - Erotic harassment female boss who makes 15 vaginal shots and joins the company Ichika Hoshimiya