AP-665: Eita ta te hoê vahine rave ohipa haapao maitai e te mamahu e rave ra i te ohipa i roto i te hoê fare hamaniraa tauihaa e nehenehe e patoi i te hoê noa ' ' e mea noa ' tu e e hamani - ino - hia o ' na i te pae taatiraa, e e taueue - noa - hia o ' na e te mau tane i te mau mahana atoa, e noa ' tu ehia taime to ' na pupuhiraahia, eita ta ' na e nehenehe e amuamu e e tumâ mǎrû noa i te reira e te hoê vaehaa...
A sober and timid female worker working in a factory can't resist anything even if she is sexually harassed, and she is tossed by men day after day, and no matter how many times she is vaginal shot, she can't complain and just silently wipes it off with a tissue ...