ODVHJ-032: I to'u faaearaa i te fare e te vahine a to'u raatira, tei ere i te pereoo auahi hopea, e tei tamata i te faaea i te pô, na ô atura vau e, " O vau to'u metua vahine fetii ..." tera râ, i to'u aparaa ia'na i te tahi maa vahi iti, mai te mea ra e, ua tavirihia te pereoo auahi e ua taoto noa vau e rave rahi taime e tae roa'tu i te po'ipo'i.
When I stayed at home with my boss's wife, who had lost the last train, and tried to stay at night, I said, "I'm Mr./Ms. my aunt ...", but when I kissed her a little forcibly, it seemed that the lust switch was turned on and I had rich sex many times until morning