CAWD-058: Ia tatara ana'e outou i te reira, e uouo roa ïa to outou iri! Ua faariro o Yuna Minagawa, e piahi e 20 matahiti te paari i te fare haapiiraa tuatoru no Korea, i ta'na ohipa faahoro popo e ere i te mea au roa ! (Blu-ray Ripene)

When you take it off, you will have white skin slender Ecup! Yuna Minagawa, a 20-year-old female college student who loves Korea, makes her AV debut work that becomes erotic on the rise! (Blu-ray Disc)

Na te mau taata paari ana'e teie tahua itenati

E 18 a'e anei to outou matahiti?

(e aore râ, te matahiti o te rahiraa o te taata i roto i te tuhaa no reira mai outou i te tomoraa i ni'a i teie tahua itenati)

Na roto i te pataraa i te parau " I AGREE ", ua tai'o e ua maramarama outou i te faahitiraa i ni'a nei.

Tai'o mahana faataahia no te faaotiraa: 02/25/2020
Te taime hororaa: 150 Te mau mana'o tauturu no te
Te feia rave ohipa i roto i te: Yuuna Minagawa
Studio: kawaii