BBAN-299: Te taatiraa i te pae tino e te mau tamahine Thai, ua itea mai ia ' u te hoê taurearea haere haapiiraa no Thai i ropu i te hoê vahi! I to'u aniraa e, e nehenehe anei ta'u e riro ei vahine faafanau, aita e fifi, no reira, ua faahapa vau ia'na, e ua maere roa vau e, e mea viivii ore oia e te maitai, no reira, ua here roa vau ia'na.
Lesbian sex with Thai girls I found a Thai exchange student in the middle of nowhere! When I asked if I could be a lesbian, it was OK, so I nominated her, and she was surprisingly pure and good, so I really fell in love with her.