GS-450: Te hoê tamahine haere haapiiraa tuarua o tei haere mai i te hoê uiuiraa no te hoê fare haapiiraa tuarua a te mau tane i roto i te hoê fare haapiiraa tuarua, ua parau vau e, e haapiiraa teie e ua haapii au i te mau mea e rave rahi, tera râ, e mea maitai roa te reira, e ua ite au i te reira ! « Aita, aita », te pato'i nei au, tera râ, mai te mea e, e faaiti mai au i te reira i te hinu, e riro to'u tino paruparu i te paruparu e i te paruparu, e mai te huru ra e, aita e fifi...

A naïve female college student who came to an interview for a men's esthetic A men's esthetic salon in a private room-style apartment, and when I said that it was a course and taught various things, the reaction was too good and I felt it! - "No, no", I resist, but if I make it slimy with oil, my sensitive body will feel unresisted and jerky and as it is ...

DVD-ID: GS-450
Tai'o mahana faataahia no te faaotiraa: 09/08/2022
Te taime hororaa: 120 Te mau mana'o tauturu no te
Te feia rave ohipa i roto i te:
Ua taui te hoê piahi vahine no te fare haapiiraa tuatoru, tei haere mai i te hoê uiuiraa no te hi'opo'araa i te tereraa o te tino o te mau tane, ei hinu na'ina'i e ua faaohipa i te hinu, ma te parau e, " E taata hoo tao'a vau e o oe te hoani ". " E mea maitai te mau tane ia rave ana'e ratou i te reira ", e ia ha'uti ana'e outou i te ha'uti ta'iri popo, e haapae ïa outou i to outou reo e e ite outou i te reira ! E ia faaite ana'e au i to'u iteraa papû e, « E riro te taata mai teie te huru » ...