JUQ-132: I to'u hapûraa i ta'u vahine, ua haapae au i te ava, e i to'u haereraa i te pu'a... Te vahine No. 1 o te fare toa tei haere mai i rapae, o te hoa ïa o ta'u vahine, o Ai. 叶愛

When I was pregnant with my wife, I was abstinent, and when I went to the soap ... The No. 1 lady of the shop who came out was my wife's friend, Ai. 叶愛

Tai'o mahana faataahia no te faaotiraa: 10/20/2022
Te taime hororaa: 120 Te mau mana'o tauturu no te
Te feia rave ohipa i roto i te: Ai Kano
Aita o Yuji e taoto ra e ta ' na vahine e eita ta ' na e nehenehe e tapea i ta ' na vahine. Aita ta'u e nehenehe e tape'a i te reira, e i to'u haereraa e mata'ita'i i te pu'a, te vahine tei haere mai i rapae