SDJS-191: A haere e mata'ita'i i te hoê tere mata'ita'i na ni'a i te hoê pereue e ere i te mea au roa, a faaite atu i te nehenehe o ta matou taiete ia ore te feia imi ohipa e ite i te reira a faaoroma'i ai ratou i te mau fifi o te faahepohia i te mau taime atoa !

- Company tour tour in a half-naked suit with a clean back If you get caught, please tell the charm of our company so that job hunters will not find out while enduring the acme interference that is imposed at any time in the style of out!

Tai'o mahana faataahia no te faaotiraa: 10/12/2023
Te taime hororaa: 175 Te mau mana'o tauturu no te
Te feia rave ohipa i roto i te: Kanako Izumimoto, Manami Yuasa
Studio: SOD Create
Te titau nei te mau rave ohipa i te mau opuaraa no te faatupu i te mau rave ohipa o te nehenehe e faaoti i te mau ohipa i faataahia na ratou ma te ore e haamaoro i roto i te mau huru tupuraa atoa. I teie taime, ua titauhia ia matou ia oomo i te mau pereue afa'iraa ahu o te faariro i te afaraa o te ohipa ei ohipa ri'ari'a mau, e ua faataa matou e toru vahine rave ohipa ei taata haapa'o i te taiete. E nehenehe anei e faaoti i te ohipa ma te ore e haamaoro ia ore te feia auau ohipa ia ite i te reira?