VENZ-031: Uçuşdan öň, ýatgyiçi serişdesiniň hyzmatkäri ýatgyiçi serişdesini çäklendirýän ýapyk süýji ogşamak bilen atmaga iterýän durmuş guran aýal kabina hyzmatkäri bütin dünýädäki VIP-leri akylyndan azaşdyrýan ajaýyp dodak hyzmatyny masturbasiýa oýny bilen uçuşyň gaýgy-aladasyny goýberip, göni kapitan bilen otagyň ýanyna gidip, barmaly ýerindäki Kasumi Tsukino spree
Before the flight, a married woman cabin attendant who induces vaginal shot with a sticky sweet kiss that is limit An exquisite lip service that engrosses VIPs all over the world Release the stress of flight crew with masturbation play Go straight to the room with the captain and spree at the destination Kasumi Tsukino