SCOP-852: Aphrodisiac Vibrator Gal Deriheru jaň eden wagtym "Bu biynjalyk edýär" ýaly ýaramaz garaýşym bardy. Şonuň üçinem men saýlama wibratora güýçli afrodiziýa salyp, ony Makonyň arkasyna çuň guýdum we güýçli ● estrus! !! - Edil edil edepsiz pantolon edip durkam şyltyrdap ýasadym! !!
When I called Aphrodisiac Vibrator Gal Deriheru, I had a bad attitude, such as "It's troublesome", so I put a powerful aphrodisiac in the optional vibrator and injected it deep into the back of Mako and strong ● estrus! !! - I made it so that I would convulse while panting vulgarly! !!