SCOP-334: Phimoz Ji duýgudaşlyk bildiren wepaly şepagat uýalary ● Po we ony ýumşaklyk bilen döwüp goýberýär! - Çynarlaryň ysy meni tolgundyrdy. Şonuň üçin men krotçamy çyglap, hapa çinkalary agzym! - Höwesjeň şepagat uýasynyň üstüne topulyp, ýaňy sähel çalnan glanlaryň rahatlygyna çydap bilmedim. Edil şonuň ýaly waginal atdym!
Devoted nurses who sympathized with phimosis Ji ● Po and gently peeled it off! - I was excited by the smell of chinkas, so I wet my crotch and mouthed dirty chincus! - Attacked by a lustful nurse, I couldn't stand the comfort of the glans that had just peeled off, and I vaginal shot as it was!